Getting to Know the Newbies

This article originally appeared in the October 2020 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 1.

Mrs. Severino: English

Mrs. Hope: Vice Principal of Student Life

This year, our school is experiencing lots of change and new things. Among these changes was our new Assistant Principal for Student Life, Mrs. Hope! I had the opportunity to ask her a few questions and learn a lot more about her!   Who are you and what’s your position here at Nazareth? My name is Maura Hope, and I am the Assistant Principal for Student Life.   Where did you wor...

Coach Reifsteck and Coach Meredith

The Nazareth Athletic Department graciously welcomed two new volleyball coaches this year! Coach Rob Reifsteck and Coach Anna Meredith joined the team in September, and the season is already off to a great start! I was able to interview both coaches and find out a little more about them.   Why did you decide to start coaching volleyball? Why did you choose to coach at Nazareth? Coach Rob: I started coaching volleyball...

Mr. Sokolowski: Latin

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