Senior Sisterly Advice

Retrospectively, my time at Nazareth has been the main force that has formed me into who I am today. When I walked up those chapel steps on August 22, 2017, I knew I would try to make the most out of my four years (3.5 really), but I could have never imagined that I would gain as much as I did. To all the wonderful juniors, sophomores, and freshmen, here is some advice that I have learned and experienced firsthand.

  • Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there
    • As I’m writing this, I am the only senior in my first block class dressed in crazy hair for Spirit Week. Now, this may seem embarrassing, especially to freshmen year me. However, I think the most amazing thing about Nazareth is that no one truly cares about what you or anyone else does. We’re all free (and often encouraged) to get up on a stage during Little Miss Freshman, go on Naz News, sing in the musical, or even mess around in the hallways before, after, or sometimes during class. Nazareth has shown me how to be confident and walk through life without worrying about what other people think.
  • The teachers are here to teach you, but not always academically
    • High school is meant to make life-long bonds with your classmates; however, Nazareth stands out because students often form strong bonds with their teachers over these four years. Some of my best conversations here have been with teachers, whether it has been about schoolwork, catching up, or they were giving me advice- which in hindsight, I should’ve taken more deeply than I had. To all the teachers that have helped me along the way, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  • Talk to someone new, you might find a new friend
    • A short while back, I was at a friend’s house talking to girls I would’ve never thought I would have. I distinctly remember saying to one of them, “Wow, how come it took us four years actually to talk to each other?” During these four years, I have remained close to girls all four years, only became close friends with girls this year, or drifted apart from friends. This is all okay. Talk to that girl who you had freshman year biology with or the one you see in the hallway to who you give a smile and wave to, and you might never know how much that person may impact you later down the line.
  • Be Yourself
    • Yes, I know, this piece of advice is given to you every year. Here I am to say that these two words have changed my life for the better. At Naz, I found who I am and who I would want to be in the future. Restricting yourself to the ‘status quo’ hinders your experience growing and learning new things about yourself. You are free to be you, and that you is enough.

Nazareth, you will always have a special place in my heart. You have seen me through my best and worst times, and there is nothing I would do to change that.

This article originally appeared in the May 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No.5.