Senior Memories

Carly Krieger ‘21, Senior Editor

Read what Naz memories stuck with the class of 2021 the most.

“Lunch” – Kaitlyn B

“Activity period in the gym” – Sophia C

“Working with athletes helping athletes and seeing all the kids smile” – Mikayla M

“Naz-a-thon” – Claire P

“Mr. Christian proposing to Mrs. Wyatt at Spirit Day” – Kerry O

“Mr. Roche” – Olivia F

“Hotel in Noto” – Libby C

“Mr. Roche’s stabbed orange” – Ainslee S

“Softball Districts” – Kaylee W

“When the water main broke” – Cam B

“Sr. McDevitt walking through my lunch freshman year holding a bra and asking who’s it was” – Caleigh B

“The Dunkin Shots at Naz-a-thon” – Hannah B

“When the ceiling collapsed in the chem lab” – Paige M

“Three fire drills in one day” – Allison L

“The Naz Plague” – Carly K

This article originally appeared in the May 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No.5.