Goodbye 2021 L Team

Madeline Scott '22

With the end of the school year upon us, it’s time to say goodbye to our amazing Leadership Team. I got to interview them on their thoughts for this school year, summer plans, and more!

1. What was the best part of serving on L-Team this year?

LC: Serving as President on the LTeam has definitely been one of my favorite experiences at Nazareth, and it’s been such an honor to have
the chance to give back to the Nazareth community. This year was a little different, but the best part about being on the L-Team was when an event that we helped plan, like Freshman Week, came together. It’s such a rewarding position, and I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

MT: The best part of serving on the L Team this year was the unique experience we had with COVID. It was challenging, but we were all up
for it and made the best of everything. We conquered every challenge and learned a lot from all of the students. We learned to focus on the things we can control and to let everything else fall into place. It was so special, and we appreciate every second of leading the school during these challenging times.

TT: The best part of being on the L-Team was being able to serve my peers and listen to their suggestions, and put them into action. I loved being able to make a difference in the school with the support of my friends and teachers.

PM: The best part of being on the L-Team was seeing some of the changes, like college sweatshirts and the student lounge coming together that we fought for happen! It’s satisfying to see an idea you came up with come to life!

2. You guys are graduating in a matter of days! As you look back on your time at Nazareth, do you have a favorite memory?

LC: It’s almost impossible for me to choose just one favorite Nazareth memory, but traveling to Italy last February with the Music Department and having the chance to sing at the Vatican were some of the most memorable experiences. Also, my favorite memories come
from any school mass because of how pretty our chapel is. Oh, and being on a Nazareth billboard was pretty cool.

MT: My favorite memories are all the fun times we have in class. I appreciate all the dances and spirit days. However, the classroom environment at Nazareth is something you don’t get at other schools, and I appreciate those moments so much.

TT: My favorite memories at Naz would have to be Kairos, building bonds, and getting closer with people I haven’t really gotten a chance to talk to before. Naz-AThon, helping raise money for the kids at CHOP, hopes that we all celebrate together one day. My last favorite memory would have to be my time spent on the track team and making bonds that will last a lifetime.

PM: I’ve made lots of memories here, but one of my favorites would have to be recently when Sister Mary McDevitt bought our class
cookies because lunches were pushed back, so she thought we’d be hungry!

3. Where are you attending college, and what is your major?

LC: I will be attending Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, majoring in Music Education and Math.

MT: I am attending college at Temple University and majoring in Biology.

TT: I am attending the University of Tampa, and I am currently undecided. I feel like there are so many things you can do, and I wanted to explore all my options and not limit myself.

PM: I’m attending Drexel University as a psychology major.

4. Any fun summer plans before you head off to school in the fall?

LC: I’m looking forward to spending the summer with my family and friends before heading off to college, but I’m super excited about my trip to Disney to celebrate my graduation.

MT: Yes! I am currently in my senior summer house with six other Naz girls! We rented a house for the summer, and we are all living our best lives in Wildwood, NJ!

TT: I am spending my summer down the shore with some of my Nazareth sisters!

PM: I love the beach, so I’m looking forward to lots of spontaneous beach trips with my friends over the summer!

5. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

LC: Cookie Monster from the Dairy Delite on Route 13.

MT: Chocolate and Cotton Candy.

TT: My absolute favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.

PM: Hard question, but I would have to say maybe cookies and cream or strawberry!

6. Any last words for your Nazareth sisters?

LC: I would like to thank everyone for all that Nazareth has done for me! Nazareth is such a special place because of the amazing girls that go here, and I hope everyone knows just how much they have impacted my life. Savor every moment of your time at Nazareth!

MT: Nazareth is so incredibly special. Please cherish everything, even the little things. You will never get something like this again. I wish you all the best on the rest of your Nazareth experience!

TT: Thank you for everything! My experience here would not be the same without you guys. I wish you all the best, and I love you all a million!!

PM: It sounds corny, but seriously make the most of your days here. The relationships formed here are unlike any other and have helped make me a better person! Utilize the support system you’ve developed over your years at Nazareth!

I speak for the entire Naz family when I say that Libby, Molly, Tiffany, and Paige did a fantastic job leading the school! Best of luck to these girls in all that they do!

This article originally appeared in the May 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No.5.