Getting Ready For College!

Samantha McDonald ‘22, Senior Editor

Although college can seem scary, if you prepare yourself correctly, you will be ready! Going to Nazareth has put us all one step closer to preparing us for our college careers. We have had the amazing opportunity to take classes, make connections with teachers, and make lifelong friends. All of these things have prepared us for college, but here are some more tips to help you out!

Start Preparing Now: It is never too early to prepare yourself for college, Start thinking about what type of college you would like to attend, whether or not you want to live away, and what major you might like. You don’t have to have everything planned out, but it does not hurt to start somewhere.

Talk To Your Counselors: Our counselors can be super helpful, here at school. Part of their job is getting you into college, so they are pretty good at it. They will help you set up your College Board and Naviance accounts. They will also tell you the dos and don’ts of applying to college.

Work on College Life Skills: College requires a lot of independence and self-reliability. You can prepare for that transition from high school in many ways. I suggest working on good time management skills, avoiding procrastination, taking care of your own space at home and at school, and communicating your problems.

Apply for Outside Scholarships: Besides the scholarships and grants colleges and universities will give you, there are a million outside scholarships where you can apply. It is always good to consider other ways to help you and your family out when it comes time to apply for college. Remember that every little bit helps!

Enjoy High School While It Lasts: Finally, my advice as a senior is to cherish every moment of the journey. High school can be some of the best years of your life, if you let them be. I have made countless memories in the four years I had at Nazareth. Although I am excited to move forward with my life, I will never stop looking back at these amazing times. What matters right now is your happiness. Spend time with your family and friends.


This article originally appeared in the February 2022 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIV, No. 2.