Artist of the Quarter: Ariana Rosado!

Susanna Coyle '24

Q: How long have you been doing art?

A: I’ve been doing art my entire life. It’s one of those things that I didn’t choose to start, I’ve just always been doing.


Q: How are you involved in art at Naz?

A: I’m an art scholarship recipient. I’m in Art Club and Art Honors Society.


Q: What project are you currently working on?

A: I’m currently finishing the mural on the third floor outside the art room. I’m always working on some random things around the school!


Q: What’s your favorite thing about art?

A: My favorite thing about art is the freedom that comes with it. No matter where you are in your life or where you are in the world, you can make art. Anyone can do art in my opinion, it doesn’t really matter if you are good or bad.


Q: What’s your approach to starting a new project or what’s your way of working on it?

A: When I start a new project, I kind of just stare at it until my head makes something. it’s not really a crazy process it’s just sporadic.


Q: What do you plan to do with art in the future?

A: I plan to hopefully go to an art school for college. I can see myself painting for the rest of my life. It’s one of those things I can’t let go.


Q: Your favorite piece of art that you have created?

A: My favorite art piece I’ve made was a portrait I did of my mom freshman year. We had to create a piece of someone who inspired us, and I chose my mom. She has always pushed me to keep making art even when I almost quit so I thought I would honor her in a piece.

This article originally appeared in the February 2022 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIV, No. 2.