Studying for Midterm Exams

Studying for Midterm Exams

Susanna Coyle '24

As midterm exams are quickly approaching, not only is it important to stay organized and study, but it is vital to stay relaxed and not stressed out. Try journaling, coloring, taking a walk, and listening to music throughout your study time to make sure your head is clear of anxiety and distress. To study efficiently, organize your notes and study material into small piles that you can ingest in good portions. Using Quizlet or handwriting flashcards is a great way to test yourself and train your brain to memorize definitions or formulas. For math, do practice problems to cover each topic and make sure you’re still sharp on the material you haven’t revisited in months. Re-writing your notes on the more difficult lessons will be a great benefit because the muscle memory of writing it will aid you in re-calling the information, methods, or steps. While you study, eliminate distractions. Charge your phone in a different room or silence your notifications. Make sure you are in a quiet space where you can stay focused. Have a positive mindset! Don’t tell yourself that you will fail or get a bad grade. You are capable and intelligent, and it’s essential that you believe that too!

This article originally appeared in the February 2022 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIV, No. 2.