First 100 Days of Biden Presidency

Kiersten Schilk '24

During President Biden’s first month in office, he has signed 45 executive orders and pushed forward his agenda called the American Rescue Plan. President Biden signed Executive Orders to exercise the Defense Production Agency to ramp up PPE and vaccine production, expand testing, treatment, and the workforce, safely reopen schools, businesses, and travel, address racial and other disparities in COVID impact and care, and mount a comprehensive vaccination campaign.

Biden has put forth initiatives to combat climate change. Biden has also made moves to invest nearly $400 billion into clean energy, hoping to make the United States a global leader in clean energy and to create millions of jobs. President Biden signed an Executive Order to rejoin the Paris Agreement. Biden canceled the Keystone XL permit.

Biden has signed executive orders that restrict travel from high-risk countries, enhance data collection, support public masking, and support vaccination centers.

Biden’s actions on immigration are focused on rescinding policies of the former administration. A federal judge overrode Biden’s deportation moratorium in Texas. Because of this, more than 26,000 people have been deported during Biden’s first month. Biden did, however, reopen a migrant facility. Biden introduced the Immigration Bill.

Biden promised to address racial inequality in the United States as one of his administration’s top priorities. In his first month, he signed a series of executive orders aimed at enhancing racial justice.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an economic crisis unlike any other. Biden has taken and is working on several actions to get the economy back on track. His economic relief actions were to extend the Moratorium on evictions, extend student loan pause, and small business support.

President Biden’s Buy American Executive Order invests in the future of American Industry, rewards companies who treat their employees with dignity and respect, and encourages ht government to purchase products made in America-by all of America’s workers.

In Biden’s first 100 days, he reversed the transgender military ban that former President Donald Trump established. This reversal of the ban allows transgender Americans to join the US military.

Biden has made vaccinating Americans a top priority, working quickly to reach his goal of 100 million vaccines administered within his first 100 days.

This article originally appeared in the March 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 3.