Musician of the Quarter: Sophia DiPrimeo

Libby Corbett ‘21

Sophia DiPrimeo was chosen as the Musician of the Quarter! Sophia is a sophomore music major at Nazareth and is very involved in the Music Department. She plays in the orchestra, jazz band, and guitar ensemble, and she is also a member of the Tri-M music honor society. In addition to music at Nazareth, Sophia was recently accepted into the All-Catholic Band as first chair bassoonist.

A very talented musician, Sophia said her interests in music began when she was in third grade. “I was in a children’s choir in kindergarten and elementary school, and I remember getting piano books for Christmas in like first or second grade, but I didn’t really start music seriously until third grade, when my mom signed me up for piano lessons at my grade school.” Currently, she takes piano lessons at Nazareth with Mrs. Clark, our school’s accompanist. In addition to piano, Sophia plays the guitar and the bassoon. “I started guitar around the spring of eighth grade. I kind of just play around with it on my own, but I’m in guitar ensemble, so I do get a bit of instruction from Mrs. Lafferty.” A fun fact about Sophia is that she played the tin whistle in middle school!

I asked Sophia what her favorite instrument is, and here is what she said: “I actually don’t really have a favorite. I know everyone asks that, but I like them all pretty equally. I like piano because it’s most natural to me since I’ve been playing for a while. Bassoon is just a very unique experience, blowing into the instrument and getting that “total” feeling from using a lot more of my body to play it. It almost feels like an extension of me. As for guitar, I like just getting the feedback from feeling the vibration.”

Sophia loves all of her music teachers at Naz, but is especially thankful for Mrs. Clark and Mr. Beck. “I would have never gotten the chance to play bassoon if Mr. Beck hadn’t brought it up to me, and he’s been so supportive as I’ve entered the world of woodwinds and reeds. I also appreciate that Mrs. Clark has challenged me a lot more than I have been in the past. I’ve played piano for a while, but for the past few years, I have been feeling like I haven’t been going anywhere. I even considered dropping piano, but Mrs. Clark had definitely reignited my passion for piano.”

The music teachers and entire music department are very proud of Sophia for earning first chair bassoonist in the All-Catholic Band! Sophia said she is looking forward to All Catholic, as it is like “a dream come true.” She says, “I’m definitely very excited, and I almost screamed when found out about the results. I’m also kind of nervous, just because I don’t know what to expect, especially as a first chair.”

In her future years at Nazareth, Sophia hopes she is able to travel with the music department. She also plans to participate in the pit orchestra for the musical and possibly the Chamber ensemble. “I always love to try new things, so I guess I’ll just see what comes up!” We’re all proud of Sophia and are grateful to have her as a member of the Nazareth Academy Music Department!

This article originally appeared in the March 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 3.