Teacher Feature: Mrs. McDonald

Teacher Feature: Mrs. McDonald

Samantha McDonald ‘22, Editor

Mrs. McDonald is a part of our Nazareth Academy Science Department. She is the Science Department Chairperson and teaches AP Physics, Honors Physics, and Conceptual Chemistry. She has been a part of our community for six years and has loved every minute of it. Mrs. McDonald has been an amazing faculty member and teacher. As a community and a sisterhood, we look forward to seeing her in the halls and in the classroom for years to come.

I got the chance to interview Mrs. McDonald for our newspaper. Please enjoy the following interview questions and answers for this edition’s teacher feature!


Q: How is Nazareth different from now compared to when you first started?

A: There are a lot more classes offered, for example, there are classes in AP physics, engineering, the history of epidemiology, astronomy now


Q: Where did you go to college?

A: St. Joe’s University for a bachelor’s degree in physics


Q: What is your favorite part about being a teacher?

A: I get to discuss a topic I enjoy with people who I enjoy, I also like having a summer vacation


Q: How long have you been a teacher?

A: 19 years


Q: If you did not become a teacher, what would you be doing right now?

A: Working in a science lab or working as a doctor


Q: Where is your favorite vacation spot and why?

A: Wildwood, New Jersey because we go every year and it has something for my family, no matter what age anybody was


Q: Would you like to share any fun facts about yourself?

A: I read about one book per week, I can play the piano, and I can crotchet

This article originally appeared in the March 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 3.