Artist of the Quarter – Haley Farmer

Artist of the Quarter - Haley Farmer

Who is your favorite artist and why?

My favorite artist would probably be Vincent Van Gogh because I really like his style and the colors he uses. I wrote a paper on him last semester for English and learning about him and his art inspired me.

How long have you been doing art/ what made you want to do it?

I have been making art for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, I would constantly be doing crafts and I would always check out the “How to Draw” books from my grade school library. I just always thought art was such a cool and unique way to express myself.

What is your favorite thing about art?

I love that you can never be wrong in art and no one can ever tell you that you are doing it wrong. Your artwork can be whatever you want it to be. If you do make a mistake, you can easily just fix it with an eraser or cover it up with paint.

Is there a certain type of art that you like the best?

I have always liked paintings of flowers and things in nature. Paintings like Van Gogh’s Sunflowers have always caught my eye or paintings with pretty color schemes.

What artwork are you most proud of that you’ve created?

My most recent drawing of one of my dogs, Ivy, is probably my current favorite piece that I have done. I drew it using charcoal pencils on toned paper. Another favorite is a print I made of the Golden Gate Bridge with the Starry Night as the sky.

This article originally appeared in the March 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 3.