Lasts of Senior Year

Lasts of Senior Year

Paige Montijo ‘21

It is crazy that our years at Nazareth are coming to an end so soon! There are so many traditions and inside jokes created and carried on through these walls, ones that will stick with us for the rest of our lives. It feels like not too long ago when I was walking these halls for the first time, attending my first class mass, crying over my first test, my first time having SUSHI as an option for school lunch, and the list goes on. Now, the class of 2021 is experiencing all of these things at Nazareth for the last time. With spring uniform beginning, we have worn our winter one for the last time. You may not have realized it at the time, but you may have had your last wrap from the cafeteria or your last Brock cookie. Recently, you may have performed your last musical at Nazareth or had that last meeting for the club that you were so excited to join freshman year. Unfortunately, our last time swimming in the fourth-floor pool is approaching, too. Before we know it, it will be our last time experiencing class mass, singing the school song, and being all together as the class of 2021. Although we are currently taking in all of the “lasts” of our high school experience, the memories, impact, and sisterhood of Nazareth are everlasting!

This article originally appeared in the May 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIV, No. 4.