
Mostly everyone can agree this past year has been a bit crazy and caused many changes in Nazareth traditions. However, one event that was strongly upheld was Kairos! For those who have been on Kairos, it is easy to understand just how wonderful this weekend is and how important of a tradition it was to uphold for the seniors. To secure the possibility of this retreat in this ever-changing year, there were a few adjustments that had to take place. Most importantly, Kairos was located on school grounds rather than the retreat house. In addition, the experience was shortened to two days rather than the typical four. For an extra level of precaution, there was also a new opportunity to attend a virtual Kairos. Even with all of the pandemic’s restrictions, the crucial moments of the retreat did not vanish. The weekend was still packed with great laughs, cries, and priceless memories. Almost every girl who journeyed on Kairos this year can agree it altered their perspective and moved them each in their unique way. They all plan to “live the fourth,” even long after the “Kai-high” has passed.

The underclassmen are in great luck, as it appears the retreat will return to some normalcy at the retreat house next year. Although Kairos is generally a mystery to those who haven’t had the opportunity to attend thus far, the one piece of advice I have for them is to keep it that way! This retreat is so beneficial to both the mind and the soul. Knowing the “secrets” can truly impact the outlook one may have on the experience. One last thing— people love to mess with you. This retreat is not scary or something to fret about. Go in with an open mind and soak in every moment. Kairos is truly an unforgettable weekend!

This article originally appeared in the May 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIV, No. 4.