Exam Study Tips

Samantha McDonald ‘22, Editor

Hello Naz sisters! As much as we would like to ignore them, exams are right around the corner. Final exam week can be a very stressful time, but it is possible to walk through it stress-free. Here are some study tips to help that become a reality!

  1. Get ahead: No procrastinating! Make time to study for all your exams. You will get no benefit from pushing off the inevitable. Make yourself a schedule to feel more organized. This can help to prevent procrastination and extra stress.
  2. Ask for help: Getting together a study group is a great idea when it comes to exam week. Being around friends while doing work helps you understand the material better, and it helps you focus more. Quizzing each other, reading through notes together, and coming up with different study techniques are just a few ways you can study with friends.
  3. Eat well: Exam week will be filled with all kinds of craziness. Don’t let the chaos distract you from your everyday routines, like eating. We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so be sure to remember that during exam week. Eating healthy can be the difference between failing or passing a test.
  4. Good environment: Set up a good environment for yourself when studying. Light a candle, put on an oil diffuser, sit at a desk, organize your belongings, play some music if you have to. Anything that makes you feel comfortable enough to get work done is perfect for studying! Just remember not to get too caught up in your surroundings.
  5. Study breaks: Recharging your brain is even more important than filling it with vocabulary terms or Chemistry equations. Taking 5-10 minute breaks in between sections of studying can give you tremendous help. Whether that break includes taking a shower, talking to a friend, listening to music, eating a snack, or just relaxing, it is a crucial part of the exam study process.
  6. Pace yourself: Do not try to cram every piece of information in the night before your exam. Study a little bit each day, and you’ll be on track for a great exam grade! Making an organized study schedule can help you out with self-pacing.

This article originally appeared in the May 2021 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIV, No. 4.