Final Exams 2020!

The holiday season around Nazareth is always filled with joy and celebration, but among this festive time there is always a great deal of stress. One thing Naz girls can agree, is the source of this anxiety is due to none other than final exams. As a result of exams being pushed until after the Christmas break, many students feel the pressure of adequately studying and preparing for test day. Working hard and using these study tips can assure you will be prepared for finals!


  1. Make a “To-Do” List: The biggest piece of advice I have found helpful (especially during quarantine) when it is hard to stay motivated to study, is to create a list of the things you have to accomplish for the day. This will not only keep you focused and organized, but the feeling of checking off the boxes after you have completed the tasks is very satisfying!


  1. Don’t Wait Until the Night Before: I know you have probably heard this from every teacher, but cramming every chapter, for each subject, the day before exams will sadly not cut it. Studying a little bit each day for a week or two leading up to the test will ensure you truly understand the material. The day before the test should be allocated for studying the last few details and briefly going through your notes, not for panicking and wishing you didn’t procrastinate.


  1. Study in Order of Hardest to Easiest: By studying your toughest class first and for the longest time, you will avoid having to cram for the class that gives you the most stress. Studying this subject first will allow you to begin with a fresh mind and reduce the chance of you just “giving up” by time you make it to that particular subject.HOT TIP: I always begin studying my hardest subject about two weeks before exam day!


  1. Make a Study Guide: A great way to begin studying is to pull out the important aspects of your notes and arrange them in an outline. This is the perfect way to visualize what you need to study and how to manage your time.


  1. Do Not Disturb: You were probably dreading hearing this one… but turning your phone on Do Not Disturb, or even better, completely powering down your phone, is honestly the best way to stay focused. Trust me, if the guy you’re talking to snaps you back, it will still be there when you’re finished studying.


  1. Look at Past Tests: If you can, look through your old tests and redo some of the problems. It is super important to notice the questions you got incorrect and understand them in preparation for the final. I would especially recommend this to study for your challenging math classes!


  1. Quizlet, Quizlet, Quizlet!: This app has been a lifesaver for me in preparing for tests in years past. By making the quizlets yourself, you have already begun the first step in studying. The varying ways of studying quizlet provides including flash cards, tests, and matching games will confirm you are ready for the big day.


  1. Do Not Rely on Notes: Although this year has been crazy, some teachers have graciously allowed students to use their notes for the exams. This is a big help, but this does not mean you can avoid the grueling task of studying. The hour allocated for taking the test flies by faster than you may think, and you will not have the time to flip through all your notes to find every answer.


  1. Food Breaks: Brain food is real everyone. Make sure you are not forgetting to take breaks to eat every once and awhile and please stay hydrated!


  1. Sleep: Last, but certainly not least, is to make sure sleep is one of your priorities. All that hard work studying will not matter if you are too tired to remember it! Seven to eight hours of sleep is crucial to do well on your tests.

Good Luck on finals everyone! I hope these tips can help alleviate some of the stress for exams.


This article originally appeared in the December 2020 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 2.