Meet Your 2020-2021 Leadership Team!

From left to right: Molly Taggart, Paige Montijo, Elizabeth Corbett Front: Tiffany Tang
May 19, 2023
This year’s L Team definitely has their work cut out for them during this uncertain year. Luckily, I know these girls will do their best to make this school year one to remember. I had the time to interview them during their busy schedule, and after hearing what they had to say, I know we’re in good hands!
- Why did you decide to run for Leadership Team? What was your inspiration?
Libby Corbett (President)– My decision to run for Leadership Team was very last minute. The L-Team always looked super fun to be a part of, but I never thought I would actually be on it, so I never considered running until a few days before we had to sign up. I love Nazareth so much, and I thought I had nothing to lose by running, so I went for it.
Molly Taggart (Vice President)– I have been on Student Council since freshmen year and I always loved helping and leading. I was shocked each time I got on! As each year passed and I was re-elected, I realized how much I could serve the school with my abilities! The Leadership Team my freshmen year inspired me to run for the position. I knew years ahead I wanted to run, and I am so thankful I did!
Tiffany Tang (Secretary)– I decided to run for Leadership Team because I wanted to make Naz even better than it already is. I have always dreamed about being on the L-Team to serve the student and I was ready to make it a reality.
Paige Montijo (Treasurer)– I decided to run for leadership team because I love being involved with the school and I was motivated to make this year enjoyable despite the circumstances.
- How did you feel when you won? Did you celebrate?
Libby– Not that I didn’t have faith in myself, but to say I was in complete disbelief when I won is an understatement. I celebrated with my mom and dad with takeout from Olive Garden. All of the congratulatory texts and emails I received from my friends and teachers were so sweet and absolutely made my day
Molly– It felt like a dream! I was so proud, shocked, excited and could not stop smiling! All my friends and family kept calling and texting me congratulations. All my hard work payed off and I knew this was for me. My grandparents dropped off flowers and I went out to dinner with my friends. Everyone kept calling me “Vice President.” It was funny!
Tiffany– I was really happy and surprised when I won, I really didn’t expect to win.
Paige– I was very shocked when I won. My mom had a lot of faith in me that I would win, so she secretly planned a little panda themed party with take-out hibachi for the two of us!
- What are your plans for this year? What are you most excited for?
Libby– Like most everyone, I was hoping this school year would play out a little differently, but I’m embracing the challenges and plan to keep making this year as fun and involved as past years. I’m excited to keep planning and modifying the special traditions we have at Naz, as well as making new traditions.
Molly– I am so excited for everyone to see the lounge! It was fun putting it together! Despite corona I am hopeful we can create unique ways to make this year amazing! We are playing it day by day and making sure everything is safe. No challenge is too big for this L Team!
Tiffany– We just plan on having an amazing year despite the circumstances but I am really excited for the lounge furniture to come in so we can start decorating it.
Paige– Honestly, nothing is planned too far in advance right now since we don’t know what could happen, and I think that adds a little more excitement to everything because we are experimenting with new ways to continue our Naz traditions!
- What is your favorite song at the moment?
Libby– “What They’ll Say About Us” by FINNEAS
Molly– “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by LORDE
Tiffany– “Still Don’t Know my Name” by Labrinth
Paige– “10,000 Emerald Pools” by BORNS
- Favorite class you’ve taken at Naz?
Libby– I know math usually isn’t people’s favorite, but my favorite class at Naz was probably Trig/Pre-Calc with Ms. Vollrath.
Molly– Definitely Biology! I love the study of living organisms and dissecting! It’s all so interesting to me! Mr. Severino was also a great teacher!
Tiffany– My favorite class that I’ve taken at Naz would have to be Spanish.
Paige– My favorite class would definitely be psychology.
- What is your favorite fun memory that you’ve made at Naz?
Libby– My favorite memory is definitely our Ring Mass. I’ll never forget the feeling of walking up to get my ring and then putting it on for the first time. My mom (a Naz alum) and I took pictures of our rings together, and I remember feeling so grateful that I came to Nazareth.
Molly– My favorite Naz memory has to be the Father Daughter Dance! I love getting to dance with all my friends and drag my dad along! My dad and I have been attending the Father Daughter Dance for years and I am so thankful we get to continue the tradition in high school. It is always a cute fall theme, and everyone has a lot of fun!
Tiffany– My favorite fun memory would be my first Naz-A-Thon.
Paige– My favorite fun memory was ring day. It was such a special day and I wear my ring everywhere!
- Why do you love Nazareth?
Libby– I love Nazareth because it’s shaped me into the person I am today. I’ve been able to grow spiritually, socially, and academically through the experiences I’ve had in the classroom, on stage, on the volleyball court, and on the L-Team here at Nazareth.
Molly– I love Nazareth because it has given more than just “high school.” It has given me confidence, intelligence, leadership and communication skills, friends, family, and memories. I truly believe Nazareth has been the best decision I ever made. I would not trade this school for the world. I am forever grateful!
Tiffany– I love Naz because I have met some of the best people that have shaped me into the better person I am today.
Paige– I love Naz because going here has allowed me to get involved with many activities and explore my interests more than I ever have!
- Give the freshmen who don’t know you a little introduction about yourself.
Libby– Hi everyone! I’m the President of the L-Team! I play volleyball at Naz and on a club team. I play piano, cello, organ, and I sing. I’m involved in almost every musical ensemble at Naz, and I cantor at my church. I write for the newspaper, I take part in the school play, and I scoop ice cream at Uncle Dave’s at Shadybrook Farm!
Molly– Hi! I am the Vice President of the L-Team! I am involved in many clubs here at Nazareth. I am the leader of Paws for a Cause and I run cross country and track. I love my bulldog Wallace and chocolate! I enjoy talking to random people and laughing. I stay up extremely late so if you ever need anything send me an email and chances are, I am up!
Tiffany– Hi guys, I’m the secretary of L-Team and I run indoor and outdoor track.
Paige– Well, I’m Paige, I play tennis, I’m the treasurer of the L-Team and my favorite food is tacos!
This article originally appeared in the October 2020 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 1.