Musician of the Quarter: Elizabeth Unger

Musician of the Quarter: Elizabeth Unger

This quarter’s musician is Lizzie Unger ‘23!

  1. Do you sing, and what instrument do you play?
    I sing and play the saxophone.


  1. What inspired you to sing and play the saxophone?
    I started the saxophone because my cousin played, and I started singing because my brothers and cousins did.


  1. When did you start singing and playing the saxophone?
    I started singing in grade school and I started the saxophone this year.


  1. Do you have any favorites songs that you enjoy singing/ playing?
    I love to sing songs from Broadway shows and Taylor Swift. I don’t have any favorite songs on the saxophone.


  1. What skills are involved to sing and play your instrument?
    For both singing and playing the saxophone, you have to listen, read music, keep the rhythm, be patient, and practice!


  1. Have you ever sang/played in front of a live audience?
    Yes! I have sung in front of a live audience before, but I have not played the saxophone in front of one yet!



This article originally appeared in the October 2020 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 1.