Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Morgan’s Light and Pandas Stand Up

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Morgan’s Light and Pandas Stand Up

On July 27, the world lost such a beautiful light that was Morgan McCaffery. She positively touched the lives of many and was the embodiment of what a Naz student is. Throughout these difficult months, people all around Northeast Philly have been asking themselves what they can do to help. Morgan’s Light was founded by Morgan’s family to spread awareness for teen domestic violence. They also educate what the signs of abuse are, different types of abuse, and what to do if you or a friend are in an abusive relationship and provide a multitude of resources. Fundraisers are going to raise money to support those who have been affected through this silent issue. To learn more about Morgan’s Light, please follow the Instagram (@morgans_light) and the Facebook page (Morgan’s Light).

Here at Naz, Pandas Stand Up advocates and spreads more awareness of teenage domestic violence. MiKayla McDonnell’ 21, president of Pandas Stand Up, started this club to “bring light to domestic violence and carry out the legacy of our dear sister Morgan McCaffery. My hope is to keep everyone and their loved ones safe. I want to educate the student body about domestic violence, mental health and awareness.” The club’s name, Pandas Stand Up, means that the school community is standing up for Morgan and many others. MiKayla, along with Megan Barlow ‘21, Kayla Kinniry ‘23 and the rest of the club embody the phrase “once a Nazareth sister, always a Nazareth Sister” Mikayla also added “We hope that even those who never got the chance to meet Morgan feel invited to learn about her life and beyond. We know Morgan is proud of all of us which is what matters most.” Please contact MiKayla, Megan or Kayla if you are interested in joining this amazing club. ILMOMM

Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

This article originally appeared in the October 2020 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 1.