
Keely Gallagher '21

This day in age, social media is used for many different reasons; however, one reason I am seeing a lot, is petty drama. If it’s directed to each other or to students from different schools, I’ve been noticing that we aren’t extending our values of sisterhood. With all the tragic events that have happened with in these past three months and year, everyone is struggling with the effects. What I wanted all of you to do is to reach out to a fellow Naz sister or a girl from Villa or Basils, ask them if they are okay, and let them know that throughout it all, we stand together. Instead of comparing each other, let’s work together to build each other up. Let this be a reminder of how kind and amazing each of you are, open your arms and hearts to others that may need the extra support. Don’t limit this to all-girls school though, reach out to our brothers at Ghost, Judge, LaSalle, Ryan and any other school you can think of and talk to someone. You never know when the last moment with someone is happening. The values that we have learned here at Naz should always be applied to how we conduct and live our lives. This editorial is dedicated to Morgan McCaffery, Maria Middleton, George Karusky, Sebastian Plummer, Michael Jacoby and Isaiah Turner.


This article originally appeared in the October 2020 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 1.