NAPA Fashion Show

Susanna Coyle '24, Editor

On October 9, NAPA hosted a Breakfast at Tiffany’s inspired fashion show. The gym was transformed with white curtains, music, and decorated round tables. Each table had Breakfast at Tiffany’s themed cookies, blue drinks, and a booklet with the list of the Nazareth and Holy Ghost models, sponsors of the event, and descriptions of the three raffle prizes. For the meal, all attendees of the event were served salad and the second course of chicken, asparagus, and potatoes. Dessert consisted of a variety of custom sugar cookies! After eating, the models began to walk through the space in couples. The dresses and suits worn by the models were sponsored by Dress Up Time! The dresses ranged in color and style and were all very pretty. At the end, the models all posed together, and the raffle winners were announced. The event was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon at Nazareth!