Teacher Feature: Mr. Adamchak!

Sophia DiPrimeo '23, Senior Editor

Last year, Mr. Adamchak was one of our newest teachers. While The Nazareth did an interview with him then, it wasn’t able to be published, so enjoy this feature and see how well you’ve gotten to know Mr. Adamchak over the past year. He teaches Financial Management, Criminal Justice, and Criminal Forensics and he loves them all “I’m proud to say that”. You might also know him as the father of Grace Adamchak, one of our Seniors.

A couple quick things about him are that his favorite color is red, favorite subject in high school was English, and as for his favorite food, “I could eat pizza three times a day.” He is a hardcore Philly sports fan – “I think I’ve lost friendships before they even became friendships… if you were a Dallas Cowboys fan or a New York Yankees fan. (or a Mets fan for that matter, he adds) I just didn’t give you a chance if I ever met you” – and also enjoys 60s and 70s rock and reading for leisure.

When I asked if there was anything he was passionate about teaching, he gave me a very passionate answer: “I just love teaching about ordinary people … I think the best part about American history and America is that it’s really … a story about ordinary people doing extraordinary things … At the end of your life or the end of what you’ve set out to do, if you can look back and say to yourself ‘Wow, look what I’ve gotten done’ …There’s a lot of people who are extraordinary who don’t get the recognition and I’m going to try to get you to meet those people.”

Last year, he shared his thoughts about the coming school year: “there’s a lot of challenge, … but it’s an exciting challenge.” He also said he was excited to experience Christmas here at Nazareth in our beautiful chapel and looks forward to Naz-a-Thon in the spring. Looking back, he says “I loved my first year here. Nazareth, being in a block semester course setting, you get a chance to meet a lot of new students and I felt like I was fresh and so were the students. Everyone is both high spirited and very busy at the same time. There’s a lot of motivation leading to achievement. The work ethic at Nazareth will be a major factor, helping take you through to the collegiate level.”

As for the coming months, he says “Well, like every teacher, I want to get better, accumulate more resources, be challenging, make the content interesting, listen more, there is always so much to learn from my colleagues as well as students.

Obviously, I’m looking forward to Grace graduating from Nazareth and this is my youngest daughter Ella’s first year here so there’s always so much going on. It’s a very  lively commute for all of us every day. Who has a better setup than me, being able to be here at Nazareth with my daughters (Mrs. Scott possibly)? It’s been a lot of fun- they hardly hit me up for cash but it’s still early.

I wouldn’t mind an Eagles Super Bowl championship along the way…c’mon birds, finish what the Phillies started!”

Well said. I think we’re all looking forward to another big win in the Philly sports world, and I hope you all got to know this amazing teacher just a bit more! I’ve loved the time I’ve spent going back and forth with him on this article, and while I never had the fortune of having him for class, I can assure any girl looking to take one of his classes that she will have an incredible teacher.