Philly Strays

Philly Strays

Megan Grogan '23

With the bitter cold weather approaching, I wanted to bring to light on a major issue in Philadelphia that seems to have gone unnoticed. An abundance of cats are being left on the streets to fend for themselves in all neighborhoods of Philadelphia! They lounge on the couch behind Shoprite, they roam the streets of Kensington, and come knocking on our doors for food in Holme Circle. It seems cats aren’t getting the same love and care that we give our other furry friends like dogs. People love them, while there are kittens left to die when they need the most amount of love. These stray cats are abandoned, frail, scrawny, thirsty, hungry, and in need of our help! They live their days never knowing if it will be their last due to careless drivers, starvation, dehydration, or sickness just to name a few. In all, we must care for even the tiniest, shyest, and most vulnerable of God’s Creation.

This article originally appeared in the October 2020 edition of The Nazareth, Volume XCIII, No. 1.