Senior Prom ’23

Catherine Argentina, Senior Editor

This year’s senior prom was overall a success! Unfortunately, it down poured all night causing pictures to be inside. However, the gym was nicely set up with various backgrounds. The prom was held at Citizens Bank Park as usual; however, it was extra neat because the Phillies won the National League Championship just a few months ago. A surprise guest, the Philly Phanatic, crashed the prom and was dancing with everybody on the dance floor. We were able to really get into the Phillies spirit by going on a tour of Citizens Bank Park while at prom. The tour included sitting in/walking through the press conference room, walking by the players’ batting cages, as well as seeing the Phillies clubhouse. The night was a lot of fun; so, a big thank you to all of the faculty/staff who helped set up this event for the senior class!